Archive for the ‘Police State’ Category

Obama Hussein Guevera Gets A on Speech… D on What’s Gonna Count

August 29, 2008

It felt kinda like watching how gracefully the Chinese executed the Olympics.   The pageantry was superb.   Unfortunately, you have to look no further than Nancy Pelosi’s “Fairness Act”, the “marriages” in San Fran, the 20 plus million invaders to the country that will still be here after the speech… prolly with better health care than me… what?

And still wondering where Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are… and when newly reprogrammed mommy will emerge.

Where did they do with Al Gore? haha   O yeah…  And then there’s Jimmy Carter that referred to Obama as… that boy?  What?

Still don’t wanna live in China or in that America… and hopefully straight Mex McCain will dump Carly Fiorina and grow some conservative values… yeah right.

Will seriously watch what Nader can put together this time….



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Obama Picks Biden per Twitter

August 23, 2008

Then I went off to sleep… Something about VP’s and sleep.

Ok, I vote we take all the money they will waste campaigning and in Denver to go toward Liberal Democrat Bush’s debt and call this one for straight Mex McCain.

Wait, maybe McCain will pick even more interesting.

Mccain picks Col. Harlan Sanders…



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Spend and Spend and Spend… Liberal Democrat Bush

July 30, 2008

Then… Obama gonna TAX and TAX and TAX and then SPEND hahah as liberal democrat BUSH leaves record DEFICIT.

Huh? What?



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Due Process? Good Morning…Texas!

April 18, 2008

Ummm, where is the Due Process in the situation where Texas Rangers raided a Polygamist ranch in Texas?

Innocent til proven guilty? Really?

Is there any real proof of any wrong doing? much less anything rising to the level of hundreds of kids being forcably removed from all of the parents…not just a few. Was there a need to use armored personnel carriers as if there was a war? and a true need for a Janet Reno.. Waco style SWAT teams? Really?

The whole child protective services entity seems illegal and out of control.

The alleged girl making a call claiming she was abused mysteriously has never been found…. Really?

Where is the public outrage for our out of control government?

More to come on this as it develops…

*** Well looky here….

“Appeals Court Rules Against Texas in Polygamy Case”

Seems that a ruling by three judges of the Third Court of Appeals in Austin revoked the state’s custody.  Here’s the link the New York Times story



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Why is there a Downturn/Recession on the Doorstep?

January 25, 2008

Umm cause the US has lost an assload of high and mid wage jobs, thanks to Democrat (think Clinton) and Republican (think Bushes) support for NAFTA and CAFTA. And both parties sat idly by while 12 million (or more) people invaded the country.

Trade a (up to $300 $600) one time, already paid, tax rebate (for a single person) for a $40,000 or more full time job? Buehler?…Anyone?

It’s a rebate btwWhat if you were unemployed some or all of 2007? It will rebate up to $300 $600 of the tax you had withheld.

AND…if you are eligible, … wont get it til May AFTER youve already had to file your return.

Anyway, FYI, here is an interesting blog posting. I wont vouch for accuracy, but it’s thought provoking especially in these times.


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More Gestapo Government from the Democrats…

November 29, 2007

In Massachusetts, there is more big government legislation in the works… this time to make spanking a child illegal…

Now, I’m obviously NOT condoning actual child abuse.

But, I’m absolutely against the ever growing government meddling in the daily personal lives of people. And I witness on a daily basis, kids that receive less and less supervision and discipline which absolutely includes the occasional spanking.

The government rules and regulations will eventually have everyone in jail or in court EXCEPT the hard core criminals….

Please, knock it off.

Take all this government energy and round up the illegal invaders 10 at a time and send them home. That should keep you busy for several years…

More to come on this as I get time…

A Police State?

October 16, 2007

This posting about Ellen not being able to give away a dog that she rescued from the pound is in line with a lot of BS that seems to be getting worse. This situation isn’t quite as bad, but it’s the same idea.

For one, it’s almost like animals have more rights than humans. But then that isn’t even consistent. If you some how “neglect” a dog, you might end up in jail. Ellen didn’t adopt a kid, she rescued a dog that would eventually be “put down” (I mean killed)

But, then there is huge pressure on you to spay/neuter (I mean cut off nads) of the same dog. I’m sure the dog is so much happier after you cut part of his biology off.

Of course, there can be animal population issues in certain parts of the country and the general premise of some of this is common sense.

It just seems like the regulations have taken over!

You are far more likely to hear about someone being legally punished in some way for neglect of a pet or their yard, than you are of hearing about punishment of actual hardcore crime now.

Are the courts and prisons full of people that forgot to water their dog one day or that let the weeds get an inch too high?

And when did this kinda stuff start getting such focus? Arent there drug dealers and crack houses and terrorists and people that illegally invaded our country to go after as a higher priority?

Some are calling this the “nanny” state. Knock it the F off.

More to come on this as I get a chance.


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