Archive for the ‘Psychological Nudity’ Category

Savage Identifies Political Cross-Dressing

September 7, 2008

Michael Savage has been on a roll recently.   The latest is where the confusion between Republicans and Democrats is just overwhelming.   So, now the Republicans are embracing teenage pregnancy and the Democrats are rebuffing it..  I see.

Toss in Liberal Democrat George Bush and Straight Mex McCain making no effort at all to return the invaders to their country.   And there’s your Political Cross-Dressing.


Then as Savage noted, we are all suffering from PCD or PCDs (Post Convention Disorder syndrome)  Did Bush already print some fresh worthless money to fund a study of PCD?


Check out for his autobiographical book “psychological nudity” with his selected life stories.

The print orders for getting the first edition of the book are extended to 9/11   2008.



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