Archive for the ‘Hillary Clinton’ Category

A Classic – Yes He Can – Kim Jong IL MadTV

April 30, 2018

This was from 10 years ago… and still appropriate with Kim Jong Un


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Without further ado… Kim Jong Il parody of Obama’s Yes I Can….

With a BeeGee …How about the 70’s ????

Will-i-am parody.

He can shape the future…..

Presidential Debate 2008 Really?

September 27, 2008

Did I miss the Jim Lehr question about what either of these puppets would do about the

20 million plus invaders to the United States?

Ummm why isn’t Nader at least invited to particapate and able to be heard in said debate?

Buehler… anyone?

Oh, because they want us to keep hearing the same rehearsed government media complex answers…

and get used to the Republican Democrat uni-party of socialism and fascism where we just trudge along and don’t ask questions about CEO’s at Washington Mutual that get millions of dollars after less than a month of work.   What?  Was Savage right about that?

FOX news has it anyway…,2933,428641,00.html



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Senator Bunning Gets Props From Savage

September 25, 2008

Senator Bunning gets kudos all around including Michael Savage in calling out Secretary of the Treasury Paulson, Bush and Fed Chairman Bernanke on the Wall St bailout as Socialism and UnAmerican.


The recent and former CEO of Goldman Sachs…  Henry Paulson…   Conflct of interest? and he’s out February of 2009 ?   Really?  Free money while some execs will still get millions for failed work?  Really?  and with no oversight?  Really?  and all the money at once?   Really?

Looks like the People are saying let Goldman go the way of Lehman…  No soup for you!

Now Warren Buffet invests $5 Billion in Goldman Sachs?  Really?



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I will Seriously Consider Nader in 2008

September 23, 2008

At least Nader has stated that he will try to deal with the 20 million plus invaders to the country.

Can he make any bigger mess of the rest than our Dems and Repubs?  Really?

It would be the true change that neither batch of elitest cronies and lobbyists want.

I call on Michael Savage to give him at least some air time in his discussions if not an outright interview.

Savage, you are the independent conservative.  At least mention that he’s on the ballot in 45 states and let his name be heard.



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Obama Hussein Guevera Gets A on Speech… D on What’s Gonna Count

August 29, 2008

It felt kinda like watching how gracefully the Chinese executed the Olympics.   The pageantry was superb.   Unfortunately, you have to look no further than Nancy Pelosi’s “Fairness Act”, the “marriages” in San Fran, the 20 plus million invaders to the country that will still be here after the speech… prolly with better health care than me… what?

And still wondering where Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are… and when newly reprogrammed mommy will emerge.

Where did they do with Al Gore? haha   O yeah…  And then there’s Jimmy Carter that referred to Obama as… that boy?  What?

Still don’t wanna live in China or in that America… and hopefully straight Mex McCain will dump Carly Fiorina and grow some conservative values… yeah right.

Will seriously watch what Nader can put together this time….



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Went Off to Sleep Hearing What a Sterling Job Bill Clinton Did…

August 28, 2008

Went Off to Sleep Hearing What a Sterling Job Bill Clinton Did… lying and telling how great Obama is so Hillary wil have a shot at getting back in 2012.

Oddly enough Jesse Jackson and the wonderful Al Sharpton werent allowed to pipe up.

And Michelle has been reprogrammed to be a nice mommy that loves America.


Getting a good chuckle hearing Savage call these morons out on their “strategy”.



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Spend and Spend and Spend… Liberal Democrat Bush

July 30, 2008

Then… Obama gonna TAX and TAX and TAX and then SPEND hahah as liberal democrat BUSH leaves record DEFICIT.

Huh? What?



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Ms. Clinton…It’s Time to Sit Down Now…

June 7, 2008

On Saturday, June 7, 2008, Hillary Clinton will finally be done…we hope.

Let’s see how that goes…

More as we know it…



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Heidi Fleiss on Eliot Spitzer… Nightline Terry Moran

March 11, 2008

A very surreal interview where Terry Moran checks in with Heidi Fleiss to better understand the recent alegations and public acknowledgements of the Democratic governor from New York.  What drives a man to do this?

What I learned was…

– It’s been going on since Adam and Eve (Eve was a hoe? wow…)

– Men just wanna get laid (check)

– She wants a governor that gets laid (me too)

–  It’s every man, men think about sex 99% of the time (I barely have time to eat…)

– Her issue with what happened was that he was a zealot and then involved in it (fair enough)

– He could have gone the Bunny Ranch (Where is that again?)

– prostitution needs to be regulated, make it fair

That Terry Moran just clears it right up.

*** Heidi Fleis was just in the news in Nevada a few weeks back btw….

*** This just in… fifty super delegates just switched their votes  to Eliot Spitzer

More to come on this as it’s available.


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Clinton, Clinton, Obama ticket…Um No

March 11, 2008

Barack Obama rejected the second place candidate telling him he could run for Vice President.

More on this as it develops…

This just in…

A new brand of face mud…

and another book deal for her post race gigs…


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What Could You Do With $42 Million Dollars?…

March 8, 2008

The IRS just spent it to send you a letter stating what you VERY likely already know in announcing that your stimulus is on the way and that you have to file an income tax return.

Just to throw out some ideas on productive uses of such a chunk of change.

– Could that “announcement money” be used to help in cities that have high populations of poor and homeless?

– Could that “announcement money” be used to help in cities that still have significant damage from natural disasters?

Frankly, it’s a lot of money, but not enough to make any dent in the infrastructure issues that came to mind. But humanitarian aide as cited above seemed to be the most likely better use.

Looks like Linda Stiff is serving as acting Commissioner at the IRS and that Henry Paulson is head at the Department of Treasury that the IRS is under. It’s not clear who/what group was immediately responsible for this spending decision.

Perhaps you’d like to contact your senator or house representative for your state to let them know how you appreciated the use of this public tax money.

Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20220
General Information: (202) 622-2000
Fax: (202) 622-6415

For contacting your state’s representative:

Im not even gonna ask how much is being spent to run that commercial about TV’s not working without a converter box or replacement after Feb 2009. And how could we better use that money?


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Fed Announces Yet Another Rate Cut…

March 7, 2008

now the rate that banks charge each other has gone NEGATIVE… O no… O yes, and instead of getting a rate of return for money… There’ll be a a negative rate of KEEP.

Huh… Yep, instead of receiving a pittance for the money left in your savings each month, now you’ll have to pay the bank monthly if you want to leave that worthless overprinted green in their safe.

*** While rates are obviously not negative…yet…  This is in lampoon of the horrible state of the economy.


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Job Ad Tip-off…

March 5, 2008

that THIS job would suck.

“There are two paid 10-minute breaks and one unpaid 18-minute lunch break”

Yes, that’s 18 stop watch minutes..

Any moron would have the decency to call it a 20 min lunch.

Let’s see $4.20 gas in California, this jewel of an employer and Hil or Mex McCain…. Good Times….


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No Longer With the Company….

February 11, 2008

Hill’s campaign manager mysteriously decides to leave on her own…. as Obama pulls away….

and now the deputy campaign manager…

Nah nah naaaaah nah……

Nah nah naaaaah nah……

Hey hey heyyyyy Goooooood Bye….

Go start the bus….. Go start the bus…..


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Huckabee, Paul and McCain…

February 8, 2008

I continue to be MORE than annoyed as our worthless biased media tries yet again to freeze out Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul.

Mitt Romney has taken his hat out of the ring…

Romney supporters will likely go to Huckabee and some to Paul MUCH to the chagrin of the media…

We DONT want straight Mex McCain…. or Hill


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Ole Straight Mex McCain…

February 5, 2008

12 Million people invaded the US … he thinks they can stay…


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Our Crooked Ass Political System…

February 1, 2008

First the democrats in SC just decided that Stephen Colbert couldnt run because they said so…

Now the media and the debate promoters are trying to freeze out Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul from the Republican nominee process…

Knock it the F off!!!!


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The State of the Union…

January 29, 2008

The Democrats did a lot of up and down, standing and clapping for Bush,,, that seemed odd…

Then…. there was Darth and Nancy… Nancy Pelosi had her head down quite a lot… reading the commencement flier?…looking like a whipped pup. She stood and clapped right along with the other Dems…

although…her timing to get up and down always had an annoying delay like the “Applause” sign for the audience was broken.

… then there was President Bush. He kept smirking and seemed just way too giddy.

… In recent speeches, especially the angry Bush ones from the Rose Garden, I keep thinking Bush is gonna bust out,,,
…”Live form New York,,,It’s Saturday Night!!!!!”

One dude in the audience… was Mr. Jowls.

I don’t recall any boos this time. Matter of fact I kept hearing what sounded like drunken frat boys going ….”Hey!!!!!……Ho…
…”Hey!!!!!……Ho……… Hip Hip,,Hoorey,,,,Ho….Hey …. Ho…..

… and then as Bush left, he signed like every person theres lil commencement flier…. He gave out more autographs than LaBron James…. and to mostly Democrats… so these are going on Ebay?

and the Democrat Response from Governor Kathleen Sebelius… Started out nice and calm and stayed so with…
Mr. President… Let’s all get to work… and then just turned into random words from the Thesaurus


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No Stimulus for You!… and others wait til May

January 25, 2008

Sadly, if you made less than $3000 in 2007, you will NOT get a dime under the current Stimulus package. These people are too poor to spend this on necessities?

Unemployment benefits that ran out…will stay run out.

Looks like the current version will give a tax Rebate of taxes paid up to $600 for singles now…..but you wont even get stimulated til May or June.

$50 billion in incentives for businesses to buy new equipment… (No, … have to put the equipment in a business still located in the US…yeah)

I keep hoping that I misread something on this….
Now it has to go through the House and Senate… Perhaps, some help for those making less than $3000 or with their unemployment depleted…


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Why is there a Downturn/Recession on the Doorstep?

January 25, 2008

Umm cause the US has lost an assload of high and mid wage jobs, thanks to Democrat (think Clinton) and Republican (think Bushes) support for NAFTA and CAFTA. And both parties sat idly by while 12 million (or more) people invaded the country.

Trade a (up to $300 $600) one time, already paid, tax rebate (for a single person) for a $40,000 or more full time job? Buehler?…Anyone?

It’s a rebate btwWhat if you were unemployed some or all of 2007? It will rebate up to $300 $600 of the tax you had withheld.

AND…if you are eligible, … wont get it til May AFTER youve already had to file your return.

Anyway, FYI, here is an interesting blog posting. I wont vouch for accuracy, but it’s thought provoking especially in these times.


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Oprah to Get Her OWN Channel…

January 17, 2008

There’s a waste of bandwidth…

Has she even got her private school scandal resolved yet?

Sorry Harpo.


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FDA approves Sales and No Special Labeling of Cloned Animal Meat

January 17, 2008

Yikes! While they claim their research shows no material difference….I don’t want to be the balance of the real world research…And as of now, we don’t have the right to disclosure if a restaurant or food product for sale has this content…

Umm…sorry..I don’t want to eat that shiz.

Once again the crack media didn’t sound the alarm on this til it was a done deal… Nice. I guess Britney, Paris and Lindsey were doing something more important that week.

Perhaps you may want to let these folks know how you feel about being the next phase of the testing. And that you want full disclosure in food labeling.

Phone: 1-800-216-7331

Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857

Here is a link that says it takes comment on Clone meat labelling til January 28, 2008

Looks like you have to select “Federal” and “Food and Drug Administration” and fill out the form and your comment.

Docket ID AMS-LS-07-0131
Docket Title United States Standards for Livestock and Meat Marketing Claims, Naturally Raised Claim for Livestock and the Meat and Meat Products Derived from Such Livestock
Document ID AMS-LS-07-0131-0230
Document Title Comment on FR Doc # N/A

Andrew Von Eschenbach is the current head of the FDA.


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Just Got a Chill From Seeing……

January 11, 2008

Obama hugging John Kerry….

O dear…

I’m thinkin…you do NOT want to become known as a John Kerry Democrat….

That’s almost as good as the paid amnesty path for illegal invaders that ole Straight Mex McCain has got himself hitched to.


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“I Just Don’t Wanna See Us Fall Backwards”…

January 8, 2008

Which implies that the people of New Hampshire want that…if they don’t vote for her?…

Oddly enough we haven’t had to hear James Carville rattling on about Clinton strategy…..yet.
One can only hope this is over soon. Maybe down to Obama and Edwards.

And… could we really fall or rise that much? One could argue that we’d fall further if she wins…


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Some Late Night Talk Shows Back…

January 3, 2008

Letterman, that was able to negotiate a deal with the Writers Guild union, quipped…something like….”Well it’s been two monthes and Im glad to be out of rehab”

The Foster Brooks-esque beard was in keeping with Conan O’brien…also sporting winter regalia.

Letterman later quipped…”I look like a lost hiker” haha

Robin Williams was on with Letterman and related his USO experiences in performing for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan,,,and several one night stands…..

Jimmy Kimmel, Conan and Leno were all on..sans writers.

Leno had Huckabee. Kimmel had Andy Dick

Kimmel had a deal where they played some old clips so the writers would get some residuals.

There was quite a bit from all shows as far as kissing butt to the writers. That got old pretty quick. But better than pure reruns anyway.

On Thursday night, Craig Ferguson matched wits with Huckabee. The Huck continuing to jump picket lines…interesting…
Ferguson quipped with Huckabee..something about Caucausing was something done behind closed doors…
It was a pretty good interview actually.


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You Iowans…Go on Jan 14

December 24, 2007

Remember…Obama on Jan 3, then H on Jan 14…

No Child Left Behind…The Digital Gap/Divide…

December 22, 2007

I’ve heard the hype about the OLPC (One laptop per child) that Negraponte is heading up. There are others working on low cost laptops allegedly for third world countries and perhaps in the states too… To address the alleged digital gap… O no…

The OLPC looks good in the pics. Fine..
So….the one that the child in the alleged third world country gets ….( I can only speak from experience in rural Peru and Chile….but there’s…umm most of those countries without rural electricity…and sharing a high speed internet link?…you would be lucky in most places even in a city to find a dialup …so..the net sharing thing…like a nancy pelosi idea gone terribly impractical. Hmmm And maybe clean water and sewage trump playing (i mean learning) online?

I’ve have been chewing on the “digital gap/divide” a lot lately though as I see more and more of the US high tech folks on the sidelines working in “service” jobs… and the supposed advanced learning and skills….

To be honest, most of those kids, if they are lucky enough to get a job at all, will need the 3R’s, a clean shower and decent breakfast. The UI on the cash register or kiosk is aimed at the lowest common denominator. There will be a VERY small percentage that will actually end up being techs. In case you all havent noticed…more and more of thats in India or where the lowest cost is…

And just like in the states, if there aren’t many or any good, high paying jobs at the end of this skill building and this kid is still shoveling llama dung….or growing coca plants….Umm yeah.

At that point, they can become bloggers, play WOW and check out some PRON…in a desolate village? Nice.

More on this as I get a chance.

It Was Sobering and Sickening to See…

December 15, 2007

It was more than sobering to see a Sheriff’s Commissioner’s Sale notice on a house in my neighborhood today. In all my years I’d never seen one on a property near me. (and yes there certainly have been those sales throughout the years)

I’m not sure if it was a case where this person got sucked into one of those horrible ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) or if there was a job loss, bad decisions or bad health… The property was evidently financed by Citigroup Financial. But, I don’t any of the particulars of this situation.

It was however a sharp kick in the stomach to remind me just how bad things are for what used to be a middle class in the United States.

It does sicken me to see the media just spin a lot of the bad situations as a mortgage crisis. It’s just not that simple. And certainly I know how bad the job market is and has been for at least the last 10 to 15 years.

And certainly when 12 million of anyone invades the country and further loads down an economy that already was predicting that the next generations won’t have medicare, pension or retirement… …. that I see an elderly parent and relatives count on for survival….

Then to further have to listen to someone like Bill Clinton and Bill Gates and others blather on about what they are “giving back”…. except it’s in some other country….(not usually the one that raised them up…by the way)

Yeah the whole evil mess just leaves me with a pit in my stomach…. and my prayers go out to that family…

This is no longer politics.

How Many Days Til Katie Couric Gets the Boot?

November 27, 2007

This one’s been cooking for a while…  Watching the Hillary Clinton interview was just painful.

Of course watching either of them individually is painful too.

Malaysia to Make and Export…”Islamic” Cars

November 12, 2007

Sometimes news items just leap on the wordpress all by themselves… I guess the other cars of the world just didn’t have enough “bang” for the Buck ….. anymore.

I’m guessing they are using that Pinto design that was ahead of its time.

Looks like they will call this model…the “Proton”.. As names like..
“the Surge”
“Terrorist” and
were already taken by other car makers…

The features include (and as Dave Barry would say… I swear Im not making this up…)

Proposed by Iran, the collaboration would include installing features in automobiles such as a compass to determine the direction of Mecca for prayers, and compartments for storing the Quran and headscarves.
First link expired…

This one should talk about it too.’Islamic_car’

.More on this as I get a chance…


The Dumbing Down of America…The “Service” Economy

October 9, 2007

Whilst chewing on a lead painted toy… sometimes a Post title comes to you before the body does. This just felt like a topic that needed a few words of exploration.

So we communicate more and accomplish less?

But we are busier than ever?

But more stressed, exercising less and getting fatter by the minute.

Do we really need more computers in the schools? I used to think you could justify it in math and science classes. Maybe this is really crippling the lower level imagination process that has to form in your brain.

More on this one as I have time.


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October 7, 2007

I see a blip on a yahoo news about a CAFTA free trade agreement getting ready to be voted on in Costa Rica Sunday, October 7, 2007.

Already approved in the states? Really? After all the damage NAFTA has caused to US jobs and workers? Really? Where is our cracker jack media in reporting this? Oh, prolly Britney or Lindsay or Paris had more important stuff to distract us with.

Both parties continue to sell us down the F-ing river.

Please mail, email and call your representative to let them know how you appreciate this…


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DREAM Act… More Tricks to Get Invaders Declared Citizens

September 24, 2007

Per the news, there is a new effort to get illegal invaders to the USA declared as citizens….again…

Senator Durbin is one of the people supporting SA 2919 that will let those people that are ILLEGAL INVADERS (ie they are NOT US citizens!!!) a path to become a citizen if they are willing to serve in the US military and keep a clean record.

Senator Durbin commented (paraphrase) on the interview that we could either catch the invaders and deport them or just use their skills. I call on Senator Durbin and the rest of our elected officials to do their damn job and seal the border and enforce the laws on the books already, which means we round up illegal invaders and deport them.

Once again, please email, mail and ring the phones of your elected officials off the hook in Washington.

More to come as this develops.


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IBM will Help with Open Office?

September 19, 2007

As I understand it….IBM is going to “help” with Open Office.

I heard the “helping” rumor a few days ago, now it’s rebranding?

IBM is just a genius at “rebranding” I think their “rebranding” slowed 20 years ago with a very hip typewriter with the ball on it. 123 went into the toilet after IBM help. Here comes Hillary-care…. Better get the latest Open Office download before IBM messes it up…. ie bloatware or non-existantware.

For old Win95 machines Ver 1.0.3

For Win98/ME machines Ver 1.1.5

For 2000, XP and Vista Ver2.3 (Ver 2 has a database now woot!!)

One could only pray that this help will stop before it starts…

Ummm, hey IBM, please leave OpenOffice called OpenOffice and let your marketing people find a new name for (rebrand) what you already have that I don’t want.


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Hillary Plans to Tell You How To Spend What Money YOU Have

September 17, 2007

Thanks Hillary…I was so confused til you told me how to spend the money I just earned… Freedom anyone? Buehler?

You aren’t gonna walk that body on MY government owned soil til you’ve got the insurance I say you have to have… Jobs? Just get one of the new $10/ hour minimum wage jobs comrad.

And the 12 million illegals… O, you all don’t worry about the laws… Just fix my garden and pool.


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