Archive for the ‘9/11’ Category

Have You Been Watching Chuck Norris Lately?

January 7, 2008

One day I woke up and Jesse Ventura was Governor of Minnesota. It even caught Garrison Keillor off guard.

Then I woke up and the Terminator was the Governor of California.

The other night I awakened to see Chuck Norris onTV smiling…and giddy like a school girl. Is Chuck Norris Vice President?

I think there are lots of CH-evys headed for the border already.


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Sixth Anniversary of 9/11

September 5, 2007

Just heard Dennis Miller on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

It reminded me that regardless of how you feel about George Bush and Dick Cheney, we are about to pass six years free of any major terrorism like we experienced on that horrible September day.

I, like many, have moaned and groaned at many gaffs like the Amnesty attempt for the mexican invaders, etc, but I stop at this point to say…

Thank you Mr. President, your staff, the men and women of the armed forces and even more importantly to the local law enforcement and emergency workers that have collectively kept this nation out of harm’s way during the past six years.

Dennis Miller commented something along the line of …appreciating Bush’s effort and willingness to fore go popularity now for the greater good of us.  He felt that Bush will be seen far better in the prism of history.