Archive for the ‘Al Sharpton’ Category

Obama Hussein Guevera Gets A on Speech… D on What’s Gonna Count

August 29, 2008

It felt kinda like watching how gracefully the Chinese executed the Olympics.   The pageantry was superb.   Unfortunately, you have to look no further than Nancy Pelosi’s “Fairness Act”, the “marriages” in San Fran, the 20 plus million invaders to the country that will still be here after the speech… prolly with better health care than me… what?

And still wondering where Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are… and when newly reprogrammed mommy will emerge.

Where did they do with Al Gore? haha   O yeah…  And then there’s Jimmy Carter that referred to Obama as… that boy?  What?

Still don’t wanna live in China or in that America… and hopefully straight Mex McCain will dump Carly Fiorina and grow some conservative values… yeah right.

Will seriously watch what Nader can put together this time….



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Went Off to Sleep Hearing What a Sterling Job Bill Clinton Did…

August 28, 2008

Went Off to Sleep Hearing What a Sterling Job Bill Clinton Did… lying and telling how great Obama is so Hillary wil have a shot at getting back in 2012.

Oddly enough Jesse Jackson and the wonderful Al Sharpton werent allowed to pipe up.

And Michelle has been reprogrammed to be a nice mommy that loves America.


Getting a good chuckle hearing Savage call these morons out on their “strategy”.



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