Archive for the ‘San Francisco’ Category

Why Won’t Savage Mention Nader 2008?

October 23, 2008

Why won’t the government let him participate in the Presidential Debates?

Why won’t Michael Savage talk about this Independent’s run for 2008 ???

Ralph Nader is the only candidate in November 2008 that claimed he would try to deal with the return of 20 million plus invaders in the US.

Savage, I challenge you to mention this candidacy whether you agree with him or not.


Finally had Nader on the show… the day before the election?  Really?

Gracias Señor Savage… pretty timely there.



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Nancy Pelosi… Up For Re-Election in SanFran District Nov 2008

October 23, 2008

Ahhmmmm  Why isn’t Savage mentioning this??? She is running against Cindy Sheehan, who may be equally,,, Umm interesting…  But still.

What’s the scoop oh Ye of San Fran Frreako?


She’s baaaaaacccckkkk!



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Savage Identifies Political Cross-Dressing

September 7, 2008

Michael Savage has been on a roll recently.   The latest is where the confusion between Republicans and Democrats is just overwhelming.   So, now the Republicans are embracing teenage pregnancy and the Democrats are rebuffing it..  I see.

Toss in Liberal Democrat George Bush and Straight Mex McCain making no effort at all to return the invaders to their country.   And there’s your Political Cross-Dressing.


Then as Savage noted, we are all suffering from PCD or PCDs (Post Convention Disorder syndrome)  Did Bush already print some fresh worthless money to fund a study of PCD?


Check out for his autobiographical book “psychological nudity” with his selected life stories.

The print orders for getting the first edition of the book are extended to 9/11   2008.



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Obama Hussein Guevera Gets A on Speech… D on What’s Gonna Count

August 29, 2008

It felt kinda like watching how gracefully the Chinese executed the Olympics.   The pageantry was superb.   Unfortunately, you have to look no further than Nancy Pelosi’s “Fairness Act”, the “marriages” in San Fran, the 20 plus million invaders to the country that will still be here after the speech… prolly with better health care than me… what?

And still wondering where Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are… and when newly reprogrammed mommy will emerge.

Where did they do with Al Gore? haha   O yeah…  And then there’s Jimmy Carter that referred to Obama as… that boy?  What?

Still don’t wanna live in China or in that America… and hopefully straight Mex McCain will dump Carly Fiorina and grow some conservative values… yeah right.

Will seriously watch what Nader can put together this time….



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Good Places to Eat… O yeah…

August 17, 2007

This is near and dear…hahaha. I will attempt to recall the name and city of good places that I’ve eaten around the world (but mostly in the States). These places should still exist (another posting for restaurants that I desperately miss)

American Pie Roswell Rd (just off the NW corner I465 Perimeter, Atlanta, GA
(Basically a localized version of Hooters, but great chicken tenders, pool tables, dance floor, outdoor deck and ocassional bands.)

Pollo Loco Los Angeles, California area
(Awesome Barbecued black beans, Chicken of course)

Pollo Tropical Miami, Florida
(Similar to Pollo Loco, not sure if they are related)

Fuddruckers Atlanta, Georgia; Miami, Florida;
Johnson City, Tennessee; Birmingham, Alabama; Houston, Texas…and more. See the link
(Awesome heavy duty hamburgers that you dress yourself after they cook it up on the grill)

Montgomery Inn Cinncinnati, Ohio area
(They are the “Rib King”) Yummy….

La Carreta on Calle Ocho en south Miami
3632 Calle Ocho (SW 8th Street), in south Miami (305) 444 7501
(The Cuban sandwich…Mmmmmmm)

Charlie Browns San Francisco, California at Fisherman’s wharf.
(I ate halibut, sword fish and salmon)

Michael Savage…Savage Nation….

February 16, 2007

“San Fran Freako…You’re on the Savage Nation….”

Had to get a quick few lines on here to note his very cool radio show on talk radio.

I like that he doesn’t really like any of current politics of either party and frequently tells it like it is. What? Both parties have done virtually nothing to seal the border with Mexico.

Both parties have supported NAFTA.

Check out his show. He will make you THINK!

I haven’t gotten to hear his show in the last year or so. But, today I remembered this crazy rap thing they had on there………I’m the biggest pimp and you da biggest ho…

I think that was actually tied to the political parties and some scandal at the time…still pretty funny to hear him rapping.

*** Corrected my misspelling of “Michael” oops

*** Was checking on his “Reducing the Risk of Alzheimer’s” (Paperback) which is available at
Amazon etc. Michael’s real name is Michael A. Weiner per wikipedia.

The Thursday, 4/24/2008 was  classic.  A fair amount of rants about the state of things in the States, contrasted by Michael singing along with the lady in the Bollywood  music (think India)… I want Mercedi…If I don’t get Mercedi… you don’t get kamasutra …  haha...


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