Archive for the ‘OpenOffice’ Category

IBM will Help with Open Office?

September 19, 2007

As I understand it….IBM is going to “help” with Open Office.

I heard the “helping” rumor a few days ago, now it’s rebranding?

IBM is just a genius at “rebranding” I think their “rebranding” slowed 20 years ago with a very hip typewriter with the ball on it. 123 went into the toilet after IBM help. Here comes Hillary-care…. Better get the latest Open Office download before IBM messes it up…. ie bloatware or non-existantware.

For old Win95 machines Ver 1.0.3

For Win98/ME machines Ver 1.1.5

For 2000, XP and Vista Ver2.3 (Ver 2 has a database now woot!!)

One could only pray that this help will stop before it starts…

Ummm, hey IBM, please leave OpenOffice called OpenOffice and let your marketing people find a new name for (rebrand) what you already have that I don’t want.


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