Archive for the ‘Joe Biden’ Category

Sarah Palin on SNL 10/19/08

October 19, 2008

Tina Fey is so gonna get Tom McCann elected despite his best efforts to throw the election to BO.

Awesome (and gutsy move) Governor Palin, Tina, and Amy Poehler haha   The rap was awesome!!!

Opening monologue dead link

Weekend Update and Amy Peohler rap… dead link



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Giddy Like a School Girl…

October 16, 2008

George Stephanopoulos (former Communications Director for cough cough… Bill Clinton…) and now a “broadcaster” and “pundit” was just giddy like a school girl 10/16/08 about how BO was doing good and McCain wasn’t after the second debate.  And he was quick to say that the Ayers comment was a turning point for the worst in the debate.

Thanks for that unbiased reporting on ABC.



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