Archive for the ‘Garrison Keillor’ Category

The Stink in Farts Controls Bloodpressure…

October 24, 2008

Hydrogen Sulfide…  I always thought I gave off methane… haha.   This evidently is given off by cells in your blood vessels… which helps relax them and lowers blood pressure…  interesting…to see where this leads…

Now I can feel better about a big “paint peeler” fart….  Just lowering my blood pressure… the old fashioned way.

Props to Edythemighty for the scoop on this one.



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Improve Office Efficiency…

February 27, 2008

with Terry Tate, office linebacker…

Props to a classic parody of office efficiency consultants.

The Terry way…



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Our Crooked Ass Political System…

February 1, 2008

First the democrats in SC just decided that Stephen Colbert couldnt run because they said so…

Now the media and the debate promoters are trying to freeze out Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul from the Republican nominee process…

Knock it the F off!!!!


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The State of the Union…

January 29, 2008

The Democrats did a lot of up and down, standing and clapping for Bush,,, that seemed odd…

Then…. there was Darth and Nancy… Nancy Pelosi had her head down quite a lot… reading the commencement flier?…looking like a whipped pup. She stood and clapped right along with the other Dems…

although…her timing to get up and down always had an annoying delay like the “Applause” sign for the audience was broken.

… then there was President Bush. He kept smirking and seemed just way too giddy.

… In recent speeches, especially the angry Bush ones from the Rose Garden, I keep thinking Bush is gonna bust out,,,
…”Live form New York,,,It’s Saturday Night!!!!!”

One dude in the audience… was Mr. Jowls.

I don’t recall any boos this time. Matter of fact I kept hearing what sounded like drunken frat boys going ….”Hey!!!!!……Ho…
…”Hey!!!!!……Ho……… Hip Hip,,Hoorey,,,,Ho….Hey …. Ho…..

… and then as Bush left, he signed like every person theres lil commencement flier…. He gave out more autographs than LaBron James…. and to mostly Democrats… so these are going on Ebay?

and the Democrat Response from Governor Kathleen Sebelius… Started out nice and calm and stayed so with…
Mr. President… Let’s all get to work… and then just turned into random words from the Thesaurus


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No Stimulus for You!… and others wait til May

January 25, 2008

Sadly, if you made less than $3000 in 2007, you will NOT get a dime under the current Stimulus package. These people are too poor to spend this on necessities?

Unemployment benefits that ran out…will stay run out.

Looks like the current version will give a tax Rebate of taxes paid up to $600 for singles now…..but you wont even get stimulated til May or June.

$50 billion in incentives for businesses to buy new equipment… (No, … have to put the equipment in a business still located in the US…yeah)

I keep hoping that I misread something on this….
Now it has to go through the House and Senate… Perhaps, some help for those making less than $3000 or with their unemployment depleted…


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Oprah to Get Her OWN Channel…

January 17, 2008

There’s a waste of bandwidth…

Has she even got her private school scandal resolved yet?

Sorry Harpo.


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Have You Been Watching Chuck Norris Lately?

January 7, 2008

One day I woke up and Jesse Ventura was Governor of Minnesota. It even caught Garrison Keillor off guard.

Then I woke up and the Terminator was the Governor of California.

The other night I awakened to see Chuck Norris onTV smiling…and giddy like a school girl. Is Chuck Norris Vice President?

I think there are lots of CH-evys headed for the border already.


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No Child Left Behind…The Digital Gap/Divide…

December 22, 2007

I’ve heard the hype about the OLPC (One laptop per child) that Negraponte is heading up. There are others working on low cost laptops allegedly for third world countries and perhaps in the states too… To address the alleged digital gap… O no…

The OLPC looks good in the pics. Fine..
So….the one that the child in the alleged third world country gets ….( I can only speak from experience in rural Peru and Chile….but there’s…umm most of those countries without rural electricity…and sharing a high speed internet link?…you would be lucky in most places even in a city to find a dialup …so..the net sharing thing…like a nancy pelosi idea gone terribly impractical. Hmmm And maybe clean water and sewage trump playing (i mean learning) online?

I’ve have been chewing on the “digital gap/divide” a lot lately though as I see more and more of the US high tech folks on the sidelines working in “service” jobs… and the supposed advanced learning and skills….

To be honest, most of those kids, if they are lucky enough to get a job at all, will need the 3R’s, a clean shower and decent breakfast. The UI on the cash register or kiosk is aimed at the lowest common denominator. There will be a VERY small percentage that will actually end up being techs. In case you all havent noticed…more and more of thats in India or where the lowest cost is…

And just like in the states, if there aren’t many or any good, high paying jobs at the end of this skill building and this kid is still shoveling llama dung….or growing coca plants….Umm yeah.

At that point, they can become bloggers, play WOW and check out some PRON…in a desolate village? Nice.

More on this as I get a chance.

Garrison Keillor, A Prairie Home Companion

February 25, 2007

This one will take a while to post.Basically, stories, comedy skits and musical acts all on radio (like the old days).

-Barb and Jim….”Barb you need more..Ketchup”

-Guy Noir, private eye

-The news from Lake Wilbegon (spelling check later)

“Where the women are strong, the men are good looking and the children…above average”

-The American Duct Tape council

-The Society of English Majors

-Bebop-a-rebop Rhubarb pie skit

I remember one extremely funny bit that Garrison did (circa 1988) about the longings, dreams and daily lives of Holstein cows.  About them out them in the field thinking of what might have been if they’d done things differently.  What might have been…

And then there was the daily life in the barn and the milk production to do and how modern that had become.  He talked about how they actually had daily production charts on the walls (like a factory) and how some cows had become unethical and added “other” liquids to the pail in order to compete with the other cow’s milk production numbers.

More to come on this post.