Archive for the ‘CNN’ Category

Our Crooked Ass Political System…

February 1, 2008

First the democrats in SC just decided that Stephen Colbert couldnt run because they said so…

Now the media and the debate promoters are trying to freeze out Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul from the Republican nominee process…

Knock it the F off!!!!


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Someone is scraping my blog as if they wrote it


Ahmed al-Janabi, a 45-year-old father of three…

October 26, 2007

This whole Iraq war is ugly, but this sickened me even more than usual tonight.

Ahmed al-Janabi, a 45-year-old father of three was shot multiple times in his eyes, and killed for what was on his ID cards. He was a teacher and father of three children. A Sunni.

I expect hellish amounts of public denouncement in outrage from all muslim countries over this, but especially the shiite ones.

Frankly, every arab muslim leader should pledge to stop the violence in memory of this innocent teacher.



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October 7, 2007

I see a blip on a yahoo news about a CAFTA free trade agreement getting ready to be voted on in Costa Rica Sunday, October 7, 2007.

Already approved in the states? Really? After all the damage NAFTA has caused to US jobs and workers? Really? Where is our cracker jack media in reporting this? Oh, prolly Britney or Lindsay or Paris had more important stuff to distract us with.

Both parties continue to sell us down the F-ing river.

Please mail, email and call your representative to let them know how you appreciate this…


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CNN (and Yahoo) Reaches New Low in Its Search For “News”

September 7, 2007

Just saw a “clip” dedicated to a young woman being asked to adjust her outfit because it was too revealing.

CNN and Yahoo, can I please have a break from things being listed with “news” that are NOT news. Please list for me the managing editor that was just fired for this gaff in alleged news coverage.

Is that all you had to go to press with?

Enough with the titalating blurbs masquerading as news.

Yahoo gets honorable mention here because it was being plugged on their page with “news”.   Uh It wasn’t.

This young woman wants an apology from Southwest. I want an apology from all of you for letting her end up on a camera of any kind.


Ok, One More Time…What Happened That Was Illegal?

August 31, 2007

Senator Larry Craig of Idaho has gotten a more than generous coverage in the media this week….as Paris Hilton, Nicole Richey and Lindsay Lowhan breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Did I miss it? What did he actually do that was illegal? He pled guilty to a disorderly conduct charge? Allegedly he had solicited sex in an airport men’s room in Minneapolis? The “solicitation” amounted to patting his foot and putting his hand just over the sacred stall divider demarcation line on the floor? And this was supposed to be some kind of gay gang sign of wink wink nudge nudge,,,,know what I mean…say no more? that the officer in the next stall received and said…Oh no you didnt…Come with me!

So, suddenly I’m assessing a bad Monty Python sketch from the 1970’s?

In the article, reporter Dan Popkey was quoted as saying about the event…., “We have no hard evidence.”

That was one of several double entendre phrases that made me giggle this week. I think we are all glad about not having hard evidence…great….another Youtube video.

And in the next article, the officer has arrested about a dozen men for making this undescribed (tape said his hand was palm up, k) “hand gesture” since joining the airport police force in 2000. Really? Aren’t there bigger fish to fry after 911? Aren’t there sinister looking people or items left unattended or people parked in a fire lane for the airport police to be checking on? No, this dude is hanging out in the men’s room watching for undescribed illegal hand gestures?

and the officer makes a comment that he expected this from people in the hood… Really? The next article from KTVB news had the text …

“I just, I just, I guess, I guess I’m gonna say I’m just disappointed in you sir,” Karsnia said. “I’m just really am. I expect this from the guy that we get out of the hood. I mean, people vote for you.”

…Really? Why is that again?

And let me get this straight, if Senator Craig were to actually confess to being gay now, then we’d be tripping over ourselves to give equality to his life style, not to offend him and his guilt would be in not keeping his lifestyle at home?

And is the Minneapolis airport men’s restroom some famous place for a hook up? Aren’t there like 10 or 20 mens rooms in a major airport? How would you even know which one? Look for guys patting their feet as you pass stalls? So now, when I’m trying to take a much needed dump and I hear what sounds like a foot tapping or worse yet some hand crossing the demarcation line….Dude, I’m just trying to take a crap…Please.

By the way, what a great few months to work at the Minneapolis tourism bureau. “Come for our bridges…and stay for the restrooms….”

I can’t wait for the George Carlin and David Letterman comedy bits on this one.

More to come on this one…

This reminded me of a sketch on TalkShow with Spike Feresten.

Google ….return dapper ifilm
Then its “Return of the Dapper Daniels” on ifilm

Per CNN…Barack Obama was kin to who?

March 4, 2007

I was listening to CNN today where they kept rerunning a story proporting that Barck Obama was desended from white slave owners.

What is the relevance of this story? Does this even matter?
I guess it’s a complete co-inky-dink that Mr. Obama (and his family) have committed themselves to his 2008 run as candidate for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States.

So, now I need to keep hearing (over and over) about who was banging who in the 1800’s? Really? Does it even matter? Is it “material” or “relevant” to anything? Would a mere sitting senator from Illinois have motivated anyone to be paid to (or perhaps get my hard earned tax money) to do this research?

Last week we had to get “breaking news” that Al Sharpton was descended from deceased Senator Strom Thurmond.

Once again. Does it really matter who was banging who in the 1800’s?

So now we are supposed to wait on pins and needles to see if the Obama story ties him to Strom Thurmond too?

This Obama descendents story was another unfortunate example of an out of control media.

I suppose to be balanced during a political campaign, that I should also be burdened by our media’s “breaking news” about the descendents of Senator Clinton and Senator McCain and Rudolph Guilliani….Really? Sure bring it on!!

It is equally relevant to the bigger issues that average Americans are worried about right about now.

Thanks CNN for that crack reporting work. Encore!!