Archive for the ‘Bill Lumbergh’ Category

Went Off to Sleep Hearing What a Sterling Job Bill Clinton Did…

August 28, 2008

Went Off to Sleep Hearing What a Sterling Job Bill Clinton Did… lying and telling how great Obama is so Hillary wil have a shot at getting back in 2012.

Oddly enough Jesse Jackson and the wonderful Al Sharpton werent allowed to pipe up.

And Michelle has been reprogrammed to be a nice mommy that loves America.


Getting a good chuckle hearing Savage call these morons out on their “strategy”.



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Job Ad Tip-off…

March 5, 2008

that THIS job would suck.

“There are two paid 10-minute breaks and one unpaid 18-minute lunch break”

Yes, that’s 18 stop watch minutes..

Any moron would have the decency to call it a 20 min lunch.

Let’s see $4.20 gas in California, this jewel of an employer and Hil or Mex McCain…. Good Times….


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Improve Office Efficiency…

February 27, 2008

with Terry Tate, office linebacker…

Props to a classic parody of office efficiency consultants.

The Terry way…



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A Positive Media Story…Wow…(ABC News)

February 12, 2008

ABC news ran a very cool positive news story tonight giving Walgreens corporate, credit for their HR strategy in staffing a distribution facility in Anderson, SC. They simply hired people that could do the job.

Bravo to Walgreens corporate for giving many people with various health and development situations the chance to earn a living and have a since of accomplishment.

Also, jobs stayed in the states and done by legal workers….wow….

Bravo to ABC for giving us a positive, story that builds one up instead of the usual dose of anger and negativity and shock.

I was quite encouraged, uplifted and impressed….something that the media and corporate America rarely rarely deliver… Do more of the positive stories ABC!!!!


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Huckabee, Paul and McCain…

February 8, 2008

I continue to be MORE than annoyed as our worthless biased media tries yet again to freeze out Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul.

Mitt Romney has taken his hat out of the ring…

Romney supporters will likely go to Huckabee and some to Paul MUCH to the chagrin of the media…

We DONT want straight Mex McCain…. or Hill


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Our Crooked Ass Political System…

February 1, 2008

First the democrats in SC just decided that Stephen Colbert couldnt run because they said so…

Now the media and the debate promoters are trying to freeze out Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul from the Republican nominee process…

Knock it the F off!!!!


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No Stimulus for You!… and others wait til May

January 25, 2008

Sadly, if you made less than $3000 in 2007, you will NOT get a dime under the current Stimulus package. These people are too poor to spend this on necessities?

Unemployment benefits that ran out…will stay run out.

Looks like the current version will give a tax Rebate of taxes paid up to $600 for singles now…..but you wont even get stimulated til May or June.

$50 billion in incentives for businesses to buy new equipment… (No, … have to put the equipment in a business still located in the US…yeah)

I keep hoping that I misread something on this….
Now it has to go through the House and Senate… Perhaps, some help for those making less than $3000 or with their unemployment depleted…


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Why is there a Downturn/Recession on the Doorstep?

January 25, 2008

Umm cause the US has lost an assload of high and mid wage jobs, thanks to Democrat (think Clinton) and Republican (think Bushes) support for NAFTA and CAFTA. And both parties sat idly by while 12 million (or more) people invaded the country.

Trade a (up to $300 $600) one time, already paid, tax rebate (for a single person) for a $40,000 or more full time job? Buehler?…Anyone?

It’s a rebate btwWhat if you were unemployed some or all of 2007? It will rebate up to $300 $600 of the tax you had withheld.

AND…if you are eligible, … wont get it til May AFTER youve already had to file your return.

Anyway, FYI, here is an interesting blog posting. I wont vouch for accuracy, but it’s thought provoking especially in these times.


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The Next Time You Feel Cold…

January 9, 2008

…look around and see if some A-hole is sucking all the heat out of your room….

The water is probably already warmer than any heat they will suck out of the air in Sweden.

If there’s a physics guru out there, send me a comment convincing me I wanna spend my hard earned euros on this.


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Office Space

October 12, 2007

Umm Hi, this is Bill Lumbergh… Uhh yeah….I’m gonna need you to go ahead and….

A few words to pay tribs to one of the funniest movies of all time from comedy legend Mike Judge. Especially if you work in or deal with big corporate Amercia, this will explain a lot.

This one put actor Ron Livingston on the map. Jennifer Anniston as Joanna and of course Stephen Root as Milton

Here is a site that I came across that pays tribute to this great movie.

More on this as I get a chance.


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