Archive for the ‘iTunes 9.1’ Category

iPad at Two Weeks In

April 17, 2010
  1. I still haven’t gotten windows iTunes 9.1 to recognize the iPad on XP or Win7 (Thankfully they set mine up at the Apple Store.)
  2. If you search for say “free” apps in the app store and download one, you have to start over at the beginning of the search results when you try to resume.  It has no memory of where you left off.  That gets old quickly.
  3. Wifi quality is all over the place.  While most apps are small, some are not.  (Think Xe Elements…which is a huge 1.6G BEAST)  That failed download on crappy wifi is one of many reasons I now NEED to synch to broken iTunes 9.1 for windows
  4. ______________________________________________

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  5. Each character of your passwords is visible for a second or so as you type them….  HUGE security fail
  6. Unless you are only typing a sentence or two, you have to get the $69 wireless keyboard.  That is available at BestBuy thankfully.
  7. I got an antique folding plate stand for a traveling iPad stand…which is another must have if you want to get anything meaningful done.
  8. Guess what… I CANT buy the movie “Office Space” on … because the <BUY> button is in guessed it… FLASH #fail