Archive for the ‘failure’ Category

Apple Doesn’t Have My Money YET!

March 15, 2010

Bonehead battery EXCHANGE policy plus $100 more per Mashable.


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First off, if I paid another $100 and got a scratched one, I’d be pissed.

So, surely the whole shell will be replaced too?

More as this develops.


This just in….

Padpundit iPad podcast with Scott Bourne and Andy Ihnatko

Download mp3 here


This just in….

@Jason Calacanis is organizing a series of ThisWeekIn podcasts one of which is focused on the iPad

All of these shows bring a slightly different perspective on the iPad.

On a personal note, this one was better with Jason participating.


Battery policy per Apple

CEO’s Get a Deal and We Get the Debt?

September 28, 2008

Umm when are the Congressional hearings again?

CEO’s to get a deal and we get the debt and no oversight? and no limit?

Details to come….



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Presidential Debate 2008 Really?

September 27, 2008

Did I miss the Jim Lehr question about what either of these puppets would do about the

20 million plus invaders to the United States?

Ummm why isn’t Nader at least invited to particapate and able to be heard in said debate?

Buehler… anyone?

Oh, because they want us to keep hearing the same rehearsed government media complex answers…

and get used to the Republican Democrat uni-party of socialism and fascism where we just trudge along and don’t ask questions about CEO’s at Washington Mutual that get millions of dollars after less than a month of work.   What?  Was Savage right about that?

FOX news has it anyway…,2933,428641,00.html



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Charlie Rose… Bear Stearns… and You

March 18, 2008

Firstly, I had a terrible day, but not as bad as Charlie..who was sporting a black eye on the left side. His comment was that he tripped and fell on the pavement. Yikes.

He did a show on how over the weekend JPMorganChase has agreed to buy a failing BearStearns bank for $2/share in some super conference call involving the FED and other major banks.

Something about liquidity (available cash) being in jeopardy as some had demanded their money investments back from BearStearns.

The word “recession” keeps getting said but now “depression” and “run on banks” is creeping more and more into these discussions.

It seems that everyone is in a “wait and see” mode as more and more of the foreclosures in the housing markets come to completion.

Frankly, I didn’t come away with much hope about the economy for the next few years. Not good…

I would love to hear Bill Maher or Michael Savage discuss this…

*** This just in… the blogsters are reporting that Charlie took a fall and saved the new “Mac Air” and instead landed on his face…  Ouch. 


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