Archive for the ‘American Idol’ Category

Kim Jong il… is ill… Yes He Can

September 10, 2008

Even though he’s a ruthless dictator and the money is going for weapons instead of feeding his people…

…. Cut to Bobby Lee on MadTV “Yes I Can” video  Too funny… Dead Link Try the next one

Paula Abdul, Andy Gibb and Don Cheadle?



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The State of the Union…

January 29, 2008

The Democrats did a lot of up and down, standing and clapping for Bush,,, that seemed odd…

Then…. there was Darth and Nancy… Nancy Pelosi had her head down quite a lot… reading the commencement flier?…looking like a whipped pup. She stood and clapped right along with the other Dems…

although…her timing to get up and down always had an annoying delay like the “Applause” sign for the audience was broken.

… then there was President Bush. He kept smirking and seemed just way too giddy.

… In recent speeches, especially the angry Bush ones from the Rose Garden, I keep thinking Bush is gonna bust out,,,
…”Live form New York,,,It’s Saturday Night!!!!!”

One dude in the audience… was Mr. Jowls.

I don’t recall any boos this time. Matter of fact I kept hearing what sounded like drunken frat boys going ….”Hey!!!!!……Ho…
…”Hey!!!!!……Ho……… Hip Hip,,Hoorey,,,,Ho….Hey …. Ho…..

… and then as Bush left, he signed like every person theres lil commencement flier…. He gave out more autographs than LaBron James…. and to mostly Democrats… so these are going on Ebay?

and the Democrat Response from Governor Kathleen Sebelius… Started out nice and calm and stayed so with…
Mr. President… Let’s all get to work… and then just turned into random words from the Thesaurus


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“Good Night Baghdad” with your host…….Saddam Hussein

June 23, 2007

“Good Night Baghdad” with your host…Saddam Hussein.

Yes, Saddam was executed for his deeds and is gone as we know.

However, as I watch (/endure) more of the mindless dribble called television ( think…American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, The Bachelor, America’s Got Talent, American Inventor, Thank God You’re Here, Super Nanny, Wife Swap, Extreme Makeover, and any other 3 judge reality show with one dolt brit thrown in…Please make it stop!!!!) It occurred to me (on a lighter note, yet with more talent) that an opportunity was lost that could have livened up the television offerrings considerably.

I’m envisioning a Tom Snyder style…smokin a few butts and..(maybe a lil NatX (Chris Rock) on SNL) …Saddam offering a forum for other world leaders to come on…and gripe about Bush and such (maybe some commentary on the 2008 election hopefuls). Now there’s your Web 2.0. World leaders evaluating the candidates.

Maybe the ocassional surprise guest, like Rosie O’Donnell, Andy Dick or Bill Clinton to liven things up, when there was a lul.

This feels like a show that Jimmy Kimmel and crew could produce.

And of course with Saddam apologizing at the end each night….apologies to Matt Damon, we ran out of time….

This is just a fictional show…that could have been…unless we have the “Weekend At Bernies” version…..Uh no…

More to come on this…