Archive for the ‘doctor’ Category

Adam Carolla on the New Dr. Drew Live RadioTalk Show

December 19, 2007

There is wierd crap going on with the Ace man on his morning radio gig on Free-fm as he’s been sick…for a while. Danny and T are hanging on…now they are on official holiday hiatus…

Then, he is on the new morning talk show for Dr Drew on Dr Drew Live on 1260 KGIL in LA. on Wednesday 12/12/2007

Felt like old times as Adam calls in to Drew and then resumes sidekicking as they field some caller questions.

It is the bottom link on that page for 12pm. It starts with news and then Adams call in….(Don’t freak out…as Anderson….yeah that Anderson….left several minutes of silence in these mp3 files where the commercials went)

To quote an old show…(Adam to Anderson) “So… an empty vending machine is broken?….or just out of peanuts…?”
We love Anderson!

Best wishes to Drew on yet another new show and to Adam as the other wierdnesses are sorted out.

It was disheartening to see a few blogs talking trash about Adam…. Im certainly a Carolla fan. Hang in there guys!

The Peaches and Herb stuff and “the worst of the 70’s” was pretty cool. (I’ve said it before and will say it again, these guys have one of the classic comedy chemistries of all time and it would be cool if some form of this continues. Remembering that when Adam and Drew have individually been on with TomGreen, one of the first questions is….when are you guys doing Loveline again? )

“Rekindling the Love..”…..yes indeedy dee……


It’s back…..The Adam Carolla Years…

August 28, 2007

“Hey Yo, Lovelines….I’m Adam Carolla and that’s ……Dr. Drew….board certified physician……..and addiction medicine specialist…..Oh yeah…. In studio tonight……Cheap Trick…”

Those words were chicken soup for the soul as you drove around Sunday night through Thursday. Well even the Cheap Trick part as I confess to air drumming to Dream Police as well…That was 10/1/2003. Looks like only 2001 and 2002 are up so far and he talks of only having a year or so at a time on the site. Soo…stay tuned.

Anyone know the show date/guest for the rant about Out patient Hand Surgery and signing the waiver??? Please leave a comment if you do. Im missing that one and it’s classic.

The infamous site that captured a chunk of those classics with Adam is back. Check it out…my earlier posting for Lovelines.

More to come as it’s available.


People that you don’t wanna hear giggle…or say dude….

April 12, 2007

People that you don’t wanna hear giggle…

Occasionally I hear someone float the idea of the legalization of drugs. These are a few of the things that occurred to me with respect to that.

I submit that many things are either eliminated or certainly minimized because laws are in place. I submit that most people will follow most of the laws (perhaps just following suit with the group like sheep or just out of human tendency to be in a rut/habit).

Take driving speed. That situation is minimized with the notion of appropriate speeds in certain areas. Compare most places with the Audubon in Germany. When you have wide open range, many will exercise that. Laws at least largely shape the behavior.

With respect to drugs and laws…look at the Netherlands (Amsterdam). There you go.


People that you don’t wanna hear giggle…(or say Dude…)

Your bank,,,

You: “Hello, just wanted to check on my account…”

Bank employee: “Hehehe….What account?…Oh, we spent that money….hehehe”

Your doctor

You: “I wanted to check on that cancer test…”

Doctor: “Hehehe….Dude…..”

Your lawyer

You: “I wanted to check on that paperwork…”

Lawyer: “This is Stew, Hehehe…..Sorry dude,,,that didn’t get done….”

More to come on this as I get a chance

Medical Marijuana in the workplace…haha…