Archive for the ‘marijuana’ Category

Shame on you Ron Paul and Barney Frank – Federal Marijuana Law

June 23, 2011

Shame on you Ron Paul (TX) and Barney Frank (D-MA) for introducing a bill to weaken our Federal drug laws.


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This is an outrage.  Ron and Barney, please get your sorry unAmerican ass on a plane for Amsterdam so you can live with a bunch of loser stoners in a place of low morals, low productivity and low prosperity.

Doesn’t this country have enough problems?  We need more stoner morons?  Really?  No, really?

When was the last time the Netherlands was number one in anything?   Exactly.

The remaining House boneheads that supported this are: Democrats  Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado, and Rep. Barbara Lee of California

Here’s the story via yahoo news.,tx

Let’s be clear… loser idiots that really wanna do that stuff already do it…

The ultimate reason for the law is that there is leverage to use to jail these morons when they stop getting stoned in their mom’s basement and start trying to traffic it and use it close to schools and the civilized population that doesn’t want to be around stoner morons.

For every person that can occasionally use this stuff, there are MANY that are horribly enslaved to it and can’t walk away….(a month doesn’t count…it’s straight up addiction in MOST cases) .  I know of several cases where good people are trapped and throwing their lives away on this life crippling junk.  It’s truly sad.

I call for Ron Paul and Barney Frank to step down… MOST of  the American people like a sane and sober society thanks.