Archive for the ‘lawyer’ Category

“I Just Don’t Wanna See Us Fall Backwards”…

January 8, 2008

Which implies that the people of New Hampshire want that…if they don’t vote for her?…

Oddly enough we haven’t had to hear James Carville rattling on about Clinton strategy…..yet.
One can only hope this is over soon. Maybe down to Obama and Edwards.

And… could we really fall or rise that much? One could argue that we’d fall further if she wins…


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September 17, 2007

Uh, this is all I want to hear about OJ during September and October of 2007…






You got it… Silence.
Now if someone can invent the TV, radio, internet filter that screens hype stories…Hmmm


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People that you don’t wanna hear giggle…or say dude….

April 12, 2007

People that you don’t wanna hear giggle…

Occasionally I hear someone float the idea of the legalization of drugs. These are a few of the things that occurred to me with respect to that.

I submit that many things are either eliminated or certainly minimized because laws are in place. I submit that most people will follow most of the laws (perhaps just following suit with the group like sheep or just out of human tendency to be in a rut/habit).

Take driving speed. That situation is minimized with the notion of appropriate speeds in certain areas. Compare most places with the Audubon in Germany. When you have wide open range, many will exercise that. Laws at least largely shape the behavior.

With respect to drugs and laws…look at the Netherlands (Amsterdam). There you go.


People that you don’t wanna hear giggle…(or say Dude…)

Your bank,,,

You: “Hello, just wanted to check on my account…”

Bank employee: “Hehehe….What account?…Oh, we spent that money….hehehe”

Your doctor

You: “I wanted to check on that cancer test…”

Doctor: “Hehehe….Dude…..”

Your lawyer

You: “I wanted to check on that paperwork…”

Lawyer: “This is Stew, Hehehe…..Sorry dude,,,that didn’t get done….”

More to come on this as I get a chance

Medical Marijuana in the workplace…haha…