Archive for the ‘aliens’ Category

Where in the H-E-double toothpicks is Spike Feresten? (New Info…)

June 1, 2007

(A little birdie is whispering new info about the second season…Stay tuned…)

He gets the nod for season two for his new show…Talk Show with Spike Feresten.

Then poof…

Was he abducted by aliens?

Was there a Rosie-esque feud with FOX?

Oh no…is he going to be on “The View”? (as Whoopie Goldberg slams down her glass…I had that gig sowed up…til Spike messed it all up)


There were rumors about how the renew for MADtv was going and if Spike would be in an earlier/longer time slot……

The silence and suspense.(Spike make it stop!!!).

…like a bad case of Idiot Paparotzi….

George Clooney…George Clooney……

Tune in next week,,,when Lou lou says….

Amnesty Bill? Uh…no…..Try again

May 18, 2007

*********** I will try to read all replies on this, but I will likely not try to post them as this will generate a LOT of traffic *************

BOTH parties sold us down the river on NAFTA. Now both of the illegal nanny using parties are fixing to puss out and finish selling us out with an amnesty bill (S 1348) to cover the fact that BOTH parties have been criminally negligent in their duties to maintain a sealed border.

But, but,… they are here now…and and we should like be nice and neighborly….and and,,,we are gonna make them pay a fine too…

and’s jobs our people don’t wanna do…Uh Nooooo

You mean you can get away without paying them a decent wage and benefits.

Andddd….once they are legal, they will take even more of the jobs that haven’t been already exported overseas and then have legal right to more benefits and government programs. Oh and by the way, this comes just as they worry us daily that the social security system can’t support all the people that are ACTUAL citizens. The boat is too full…Get out!

I can’t wait til every McDonalds and Walmart is chock full of Mexicans!

And,… they broke US law and INVADED the US. Quit being a bunch of puzzies and round them up and deport them. Do your damn job!

Or step down…or be fired!

That’s it. Do it!

If I trot my lil azz over the Canada (which I may have to do if we get Hillary) without the proper paperwork and permissions…Uh they will round me up and throw me the hell out….as they should.

Hopefully everyone is writing, emailing and ringing the phones off the walls in DC.

Please understand that I have nothing against Mexicans, when they are here legally. My passion in this post is due to the complete incompetence of BOTH political parties.

********** I will try to read all replies on this, but I will likely not try to post them as this will generate a LOT of traffic *************