Archive for the ‘illegal’ Category

Arizona Takes a Stand for US

April 24, 2010

Governor Jan Brewer and the Arizona Legislature passed a law to assist in deporting the invaders of the United States  (more specifically in this case Arizona).


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I applaud their back bone in at least attempting to remedy the gross neglect of at least three recent presidential administrations and the sitting Congress.

It’s about time.

By the way…. it was the lack back bone on this issue by John McShame that cost him the election in 2008.

I wish the conservative candidate J.D. Hayworth the best in his senate race against John McShame in November 2010.

Hang in There Michael Savage!

October 4, 2008

Borders, Language and Culture.

The only one telling it like it is… in such crazy times.

Check his site at

as well as his daily radio show.



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Presidential Debate 2008 Really?

September 27, 2008

Did I miss the Jim Lehr question about what either of these puppets would do about the

20 million plus invaders to the United States?

Ummm why isn’t Nader at least invited to particapate and able to be heard in said debate?

Buehler… anyone?

Oh, because they want us to keep hearing the same rehearsed government media complex answers…

and get used to the Republican Democrat uni-party of socialism and fascism where we just trudge along and don’t ask questions about CEO’s at Washington Mutual that get millions of dollars after less than a month of work.   What?  Was Savage right about that?

FOX news has it anyway…,2933,428641,00.html



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No Taxation Without Representation… Remember the Alamo!

September 26, 2008

I was reminded about the Taxation quote when someone called Savage’s show Tuesday.   And Remember the Alamo… means we had to deal with SantaAna and the Mexicans before…  Hmmm

And the bailout open check to Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson..without oversight… is back to

Taxation without Representation…  There was Tea last time…..



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Senator Bunning Gets Props From Savage

September 25, 2008

Senator Bunning gets kudos all around including Michael Savage in calling out Secretary of the Treasury Paulson, Bush and Fed Chairman Bernanke on the Wall St bailout as Socialism and UnAmerican.


The recent and former CEO of Goldman Sachs…  Henry Paulson…   Conflct of interest? and he’s out February of 2009 ?   Really?  Free money while some execs will still get millions for failed work?  Really?  and with no oversight?  Really?  and all the money at once?   Really?

Looks like the People are saying let Goldman go the way of Lehman…  No soup for you!

Now Warren Buffet invests $5 Billion in Goldman Sachs?  Really?



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I will Seriously Consider Nader in 2008

September 23, 2008

At least Nader has stated that he will try to deal with the 20 million plus invaders to the country.

Can he make any bigger mess of the rest than our Dems and Repubs?  Really?

It would be the true change that neither batch of elitest cronies and lobbyists want.

I call on Michael Savage to give him at least some air time in his discussions if not an outright interview.

Savage, you are the independent conservative.  At least mention that he’s on the ballot in 45 states and let his name be heard.



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Obama Hussein Guevera Gets A on Speech… D on What’s Gonna Count

August 29, 2008

It felt kinda like watching how gracefully the Chinese executed the Olympics.   The pageantry was superb.   Unfortunately, you have to look no further than Nancy Pelosi’s “Fairness Act”, the “marriages” in San Fran, the 20 plus million invaders to the country that will still be here after the speech… prolly with better health care than me… what?

And still wondering where Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are… and when newly reprogrammed mommy will emerge.

Where did they do with Al Gore? haha   O yeah…  And then there’s Jimmy Carter that referred to Obama as… that boy?  What?

Still don’t wanna live in China or in that America… and hopefully straight Mex McCain will dump Carly Fiorina and grow some conservative values… yeah right.

Will seriously watch what Nader can put together this time….



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Charlie Rose… Bear Stearns… and You

March 18, 2008

Firstly, I had a terrible day, but not as bad as Charlie..who was sporting a black eye on the left side. His comment was that he tripped and fell on the pavement. Yikes.

He did a show on how over the weekend JPMorganChase has agreed to buy a failing BearStearns bank for $2/share in some super conference call involving the FED and other major banks.

Something about liquidity (available cash) being in jeopardy as some had demanded their money investments back from BearStearns.

The word “recession” keeps getting said but now “depression” and “run on banks” is creeping more and more into these discussions.

It seems that everyone is in a “wait and see” mode as more and more of the foreclosures in the housing markets come to completion.

Frankly, I didn’t come away with much hope about the economy for the next few years. Not good…

I would love to hear Bill Maher or Michael Savage discuss this…

*** This just in… the blogsters are reporting that Charlie took a fall and saved the new “Mac Air” and instead landed on his face…  Ouch. 


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Huckabee, Paul and McCain…

February 8, 2008

I continue to be MORE than annoyed as our worthless biased media tries yet again to freeze out Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul.

Mitt Romney has taken his hat out of the ring…

Romney supporters will likely go to Huckabee and some to Paul MUCH to the chagrin of the media…

We DONT want straight Mex McCain…. or Hill


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Ole Straight Mex McCain…

February 5, 2008

12 Million people invaded the US … he thinks they can stay…


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The State of the Union…

January 29, 2008

The Democrats did a lot of up and down, standing and clapping for Bush,,, that seemed odd…

Then…. there was Darth and Nancy… Nancy Pelosi had her head down quite a lot… reading the commencement flier?…looking like a whipped pup. She stood and clapped right along with the other Dems…

although…her timing to get up and down always had an annoying delay like the “Applause” sign for the audience was broken.

… then there was President Bush. He kept smirking and seemed just way too giddy.

… In recent speeches, especially the angry Bush ones from the Rose Garden, I keep thinking Bush is gonna bust out,,,
…”Live form New York,,,It’s Saturday Night!!!!!”

One dude in the audience… was Mr. Jowls.

I don’t recall any boos this time. Matter of fact I kept hearing what sounded like drunken frat boys going ….”Hey!!!!!……Ho…
…”Hey!!!!!……Ho……… Hip Hip,,Hoorey,,,,Ho….Hey …. Ho…..

… and then as Bush left, he signed like every person theres lil commencement flier…. He gave out more autographs than LaBron James…. and to mostly Democrats… so these are going on Ebay?

and the Democrat Response from Governor Kathleen Sebelius… Started out nice and calm and stayed so with…
Mr. President… Let’s all get to work… and then just turned into random words from the Thesaurus


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No Stimulus for You!… and others wait til May

January 25, 2008

Sadly, if you made less than $3000 in 2007, you will NOT get a dime under the current Stimulus package. These people are too poor to spend this on necessities?

Unemployment benefits that ran out…will stay run out.

Looks like the current version will give a tax Rebate of taxes paid up to $600 for singles now…..but you wont even get stimulated til May or June.

$50 billion in incentives for businesses to buy new equipment… (No, … have to put the equipment in a business still located in the US…yeah)

I keep hoping that I misread something on this….
Now it has to go through the House and Senate… Perhaps, some help for those making less than $3000 or with their unemployment depleted…


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Why is there a Downturn/Recession on the Doorstep?

January 25, 2008

Umm cause the US has lost an assload of high and mid wage jobs, thanks to Democrat (think Clinton) and Republican (think Bushes) support for NAFTA and CAFTA. And both parties sat idly by while 12 million (or more) people invaded the country.

Trade a (up to $300 $600) one time, already paid, tax rebate (for a single person) for a $40,000 or more full time job? Buehler?…Anyone?

It’s a rebate btwWhat if you were unemployed some or all of 2007? It will rebate up to $300 $600 of the tax you had withheld.

AND…if you are eligible, … wont get it til May AFTER youve already had to file your return.

Anyway, FYI, here is an interesting blog posting. I wont vouch for accuracy, but it’s thought provoking especially in these times.


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Just Got a Chill From Seeing……

January 11, 2008

Obama hugging John Kerry….

O dear…

I’m thinkin…you do NOT want to become known as a John Kerry Democrat….

That’s almost as good as the paid amnesty path for illegal invaders that ole Straight Mex McCain has got himself hitched to.


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Salvia on Nightline with Terry Moran (ABC)

October 5, 2007

There was a “reporting” piece on Nightline with Terry Moran about some latest “legal” tripping drug called Salvia.

The flippant tone of that piece was unfortunate and disturbing.

They kept re-showing the youtube postings and then at the end they showed some wierd fadein/fadeout linking of several of the tripper video postings back to back.

I usually like Nightline, but this one was really disappointing. Drug use is a horrible mess for those and their families that get hung up in it. Uh, not that funny there Terry Moran at Nightline… Was it sweeps week or something?


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Demographic of the Patrons In One Business

September 28, 2007

Know your audience…Marketing101 meets Main St.

This one may vary depending on your location but this is the audience I saw in a particular business establishment.

– The elderly (various ethnicities)

– Latino immigrants (Central America and Mexico mostly)

– Wandering unsupervised teens and pre-teens (various ethnicities)

– Meth People (digital cameras always need litium batteries and oddly enough security cameras.

– People that want to return things without receipt and certainly without packaging and after 30 days. Uh no!

– Criminals – they actually just came in to steal (various ethnicities)

– Thuglike people that just look like they came to steal (various ethnicities)

– People that are off their meds, bipolar and other various mental health issues.

– Occassionally the homeless and vagrants

– Repeat customers (various ages and ethnicities) with money that are ready to buy

– People passing through that are from like Florida or Arizona and truck drivers that stopped at Walmart

It would be interesting to see this real world info in a company’s business plan. Instead, you always see the idealistic stuff of upper middle class and 18 to 35…kinda stuff.

In this case, the elderly, the latino, the travelers/truck drivers and repeat customers with money in hand kept this business thriving. Speaking some amount of spanish was very helpful.

As far as weird stuff:
One guy came in with a tattoo…on the side of his neck…that read (and I can’t make stuff up this good)…
“100% Honky”

…I rest my case.


Something Else That Made Me Giggle…Who is the other senator from Idaho again?

September 25, 2007

Due to recent media coverage, EVERYONE knows one of the senators from Idaho. Yeah, we now know Larry Craig from the Minneapolis airport men’s room.

But do you know who the other senator is?

Saw this on autone’s angelino blog when I was checking up on the recent re-try on making citizens out of the invaders.


“Phone them by contacting the Senate switchboard at 800-862-5530 or 202-224-3121.

Alaska: Murkowski, Stevens
Arkansas: Pryor
Idaho: Crapo ….<- How do you pronounce that again?
Indiana: Bayh
Iowa: Grassley, Harkin
Kansas: Brownback
Louisiana: Landrieu”


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DREAM Act… More Tricks to Get Invaders Declared Citizens

September 24, 2007

Per the news, there is a new effort to get illegal invaders to the USA declared as citizens….again…

Senator Durbin is one of the people supporting SA 2919 that will let those people that are ILLEGAL INVADERS (ie they are NOT US citizens!!!) a path to become a citizen if they are willing to serve in the US military and keep a clean record.

Senator Durbin commented (paraphrase) on the interview that we could either catch the invaders and deport them or just use their skills. I call on Senator Durbin and the rest of our elected officials to do their damn job and seal the border and enforce the laws on the books already, which means we round up illegal invaders and deport them.

Once again, please email, mail and ring the phones of your elected officials off the hook in Washington.

More to come as this develops.


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I Call for a Dapper Daniels’ tribute to Larry Craig

September 19, 2007

I submitted this to “Talkshow with Spike Feresten as a comment, as a bulletin and here. Hopefully SF will actually see some of my ideas like this one.

My skit suggestion for season 2, Talkshow with Spike Feresten

Opening scene, our quartet friends in colorful customary regalia, each parked on his own throne (think bathroom displays at a Home Depot/Lowes) side by side….
Camera pans toward the floor as foot tapping becomes obvious…

…camera pans up as they start a happy tune.

…camera pans far right and down as we notice another shoe tapping away…

Hey, officer Bob from the airport police coming by to sing along…

Then a voice off camera… can I get you all some ice tea and cookies?
…Hi, Chris Hanson from Dateline….

Then the festivities are interupted by lots of loud whistles and lots of police and they drag away the Dapper Daniels…..awwwwww

Spike, run with this one and give me a plug before/afterward.


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Hillary Plans to Tell You How To Spend What Money YOU Have

September 17, 2007

Thanks Hillary…I was so confused til you told me how to spend the money I just earned… Freedom anyone? Buehler?

You aren’t gonna walk that body on MY government owned soil til you’ve got the insurance I say you have to have… Jobs? Just get one of the new $10/ hour minimum wage jobs comrad.

And the 12 million illegals… O, you all don’t worry about the laws… Just fix my garden and pool.


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Ok, One More Time…What Happened That Was Illegal?

August 31, 2007

Senator Larry Craig of Idaho has gotten a more than generous coverage in the media this week….as Paris Hilton, Nicole Richey and Lindsay Lowhan breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Did I miss it? What did he actually do that was illegal? He pled guilty to a disorderly conduct charge? Allegedly he had solicited sex in an airport men’s room in Minneapolis? The “solicitation” amounted to patting his foot and putting his hand just over the sacred stall divider demarcation line on the floor? And this was supposed to be some kind of gay gang sign of wink wink nudge nudge,,,,know what I mean…say no more? that the officer in the next stall received and said…Oh no you didnt…Come with me!

So, suddenly I’m assessing a bad Monty Python sketch from the 1970’s?

In the article, reporter Dan Popkey was quoted as saying about the event…., “We have no hard evidence.”

That was one of several double entendre phrases that made me giggle this week. I think we are all glad about not having hard evidence…great….another Youtube video.

And in the next article, the officer has arrested about a dozen men for making this undescribed (tape said his hand was palm up, k) “hand gesture” since joining the airport police force in 2000. Really? Aren’t there bigger fish to fry after 911? Aren’t there sinister looking people or items left unattended or people parked in a fire lane for the airport police to be checking on? No, this dude is hanging out in the men’s room watching for undescribed illegal hand gestures?

and the officer makes a comment that he expected this from people in the hood… Really? The next article from KTVB news had the text …

“I just, I just, I guess, I guess I’m gonna say I’m just disappointed in you sir,” Karsnia said. “I’m just really am. I expect this from the guy that we get out of the hood. I mean, people vote for you.”

…Really? Why is that again?

And let me get this straight, if Senator Craig were to actually confess to being gay now, then we’d be tripping over ourselves to give equality to his life style, not to offend him and his guilt would be in not keeping his lifestyle at home?

And is the Minneapolis airport men’s restroom some famous place for a hook up? Aren’t there like 10 or 20 mens rooms in a major airport? How would you even know which one? Look for guys patting their feet as you pass stalls? So now, when I’m trying to take a much needed dump and I hear what sounds like a foot tapping or worse yet some hand crossing the demarcation line….Dude, I’m just trying to take a crap…Please.

By the way, what a great few months to work at the Minneapolis tourism bureau. “Come for our bridges…and stay for the restrooms….”

I can’t wait for the George Carlin and David Letterman comedy bits on this one.

More to come on this one…

This reminded me of a sketch on TalkShow with Spike Feresten.

Google ….return dapper ifilm
Then its “Return of the Dapper Daniels” on ifilm

Nancy Pelosi…on Charlie Rose (PBS)

June 28, 2007

I must give Speaker Pelosi credit for a decent (and frankly more thoughtful and more coherent) interview with Charlie Rose than I expected last evening.

However, while apparently making some headway in rallying some bi-partisan legislation in many domestic issues (minimum wage and Vet benefits), she failed in the two hot topics (The war in Iraq and Immigration reform).

On the war, she is convinced if we just had more dialogue with the Iraqis and those in the gulf region, and we reduced our presence, that this would all magically get better.  She was quick to admit, that we just can’t pick up and leave.  Matter of fact, she said we would have to stay (and we might stay longer if the Iraqis met certain benchmarks) to fight Al queda, defend the embassy).  Her point was that we have to get out of the “civil war” part.   That’s where reality didn’t seem to be coming together.   Somehow if we just dialogue more, we can stay out of the civil war part and still fight alqueda.  Do the al queda members wear special uniforms or patches or helmets so that we could in practice do that?  Do the al queda members only go in certain parts of Iraq?  Nancy didn’t convince me that there is any practical way to do what she idealistically envisions.

Secondly, she was all peachy and even praising the newest Liberal Democrat, George W. Bush on his Immigration efforts (I mean Amnesty).   Oh no, it’s not amnesty when we “forgive”12 million people that invade the country and would soon lay legal claim to all our tax and spend social benfits.

I bet they don’t even know how many illegals are even here.  Is there anyone even left in Mexico now?

Somehow Nancy envisions surrounded by 12 million (or is it 20) mexicans will be like her culturally diverse life in San Francisco.  Really?  I envision every Walmart and McDonalds in the entire country with a 70% or more spanish workforce, some dude in broken english saying Señor, fries with that? and most of the signage in the the new national language…and it isnt English.

By the way, I speak out now and will vote as often as I can because after 12 million invaders start voting…..

Senate Revives Amnesty Bill…Who is Selling Us Out Señor?

June 27, 2007

On the Cloture Motion (Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Proceed to Consider S.1639 – Which is reviving the Amnesty Immigration Bill for another vote in the Senate Thursday 6/28 ? or near that date.

Look at this list of Tax and Spend Liberal Democrats (below) ready to give 12 million illegal invaders of the United States, Amnesty and some Social Security and all kinda government program benefits that they will be soon legally be entitled to. Oh wait, and there’s some sell-out Republicans on this list too. Can you imagine 12 million invaders that would legally have claim to our benefits system? We are told that Social Security already can’t support the citizens we have now. Should I write this posting in Spanish? How soon will it be that Spanish would be our official second language? or first? Supposedly, magically, we will now seal our borders…really?…Then why not do that, then round up the invaders and send them to Mexico?WE DON’T WANT TO LIVE in MEXICO!

Remember the Alamo!

Please see how your representative voted and call their office, mail their office and email their office and let them know how you liked their vote….Señor!!!!

Akaka —————-(D-HI), Yea
Bennett (R-UT), Yea
Biden —————-((D-DE), Yea
Bingaman —————-((D-NM), Yea
Bond (R-MO), Yea
Boxer —————-((D-CA), Yea
Brown —————-((D-OH), Yea
Brownback (R-KS), Yea
Burr (R-NC), Yea
Cantwell —————-((D-WA), Yea
Cardin —————-((D-MD), Yea
Carper —————-((D-DE), Yea
Casey —————-((D-PA), Yea
Clinton, Hillary —————-((D-NY), Yea
Coleman (R-MN), Yea
Collins (R-ME), Yea
Conrad —————-((D-ND), Yea
Craig (R-ID), Yea
Dodd —————-((D-CT), Yea
Domenici (R-NM), Yea
Durbin —————-((D-IL), Yea
Ensign (R-NV), Yea
Feingold —————-((D-WI), Yea
Feinstein —————-((D-CA), Yea
Graham (R-SC), Yea
Gregg (R-NH), Yea
Hagel (R-NE), Yea
Harkin —————-((D-IA), Yea
Inouye —————-((D-HI), Yea
Kennedy, Ted —————-((D-MA), Yea
Kerry, John —————-((D-MA), Yea
Klobuchar —————-((D-MN), Yea
Kohl —————-((D-WI), Yea
Kyl (R-AZ), Yea
Lautenberg —————-((D-NJ), Yea
Leahy —————-((D-VT), Yea
Levin —————-((D-MI), Yea
Lieberman, Joe —————-((ID-CT), Yea
Lincoln —————-((D-AR), Yea
Lott (R-MS), Yea
Lugar (R-IN), Yea
Martinez (R-FL), Yea
McCain, Ole Straight-talk John (R-AZ), Yea
McConnell (R-KY), Yea
Menendez —————-((D-NJ), Yea
Mikulski —————-((D-MD), Yea
Murkowski (R-AK), Yea
Murray —————-((D-WA), Yea
Nelson —————-((D-FL), Yea
Nelson —————-((D-NE), Yea
Obama, Barack —————-((D-IL), Yea
Pryor —————-((D-AR), Yea
Reed —————-((D-RI), Yea
Reid —————-((D-NV), Yea
Salazar —————-((D-CO), Yea
Schumer —————-((D-NY), Yea
Snowe (R-ME), Yea
Specter (R-PA), Yea
Stevens (R-AK), Yea
Voinovich (R-OH), Yea
Warner (R-VA), Yea

Webb —————-((D-VA), Yea

Whitehouse —————-((D-RI), Yea
Wyden —————-((D-OR), Yea

Johnson (D-SD), Not Voting _________________________________________

Alexander (R-TN), Nay – Thank you all for your vote against this.
Allard (R-CO), Nay
Barrasso (R-WY), Nay
Baucus (D-MT), Nay
Bayh (D-IN), Nay
Bunning (R-KY), Nay
Byrd (D-WV), Nay
Chambliss (R-GA), Nay
Coburn (R-OK), Nay
Cochran (R-MS), Nay
Corker (R-TN), Nay
Cornyn (R-TX), Nay
Crapo (R-ID), Nay
DeMint (R-SC), Nay
Dole (R-NC), Nay
Dorgan (D-ND), Nay
Enzi (R-WY), Nay
Grassley (R-IA), Nay
Hatch (R-UT), Nay
Hutchison (R-TX), Nay
Inhofe (R-OK), Nay
Isakson (R-GA), Nay
Landrieu (D-LA), Nay
McCaskill (D-MO), Nay
Roberts (R-KS), Nay
Rockefeller (D-WV), Nay
Sanders (I-VT), Nay
Sessions (R-AL), Nay
Shelby (R-AL), Nay
Smith (R-OR), Nay
Stabenow (D-MI), Nay
Sununu (R-NH), Nay
Tester (D-MT), Nay
Thune (R-SD), Nay
Vitter (R-LA), Nay

Amnesty Bill? Uh…no…..Try again

May 18, 2007

*********** I will try to read all replies on this, but I will likely not try to post them as this will generate a LOT of traffic *************

BOTH parties sold us down the river on NAFTA. Now both of the illegal nanny using parties are fixing to puss out and finish selling us out with an amnesty bill (S 1348) to cover the fact that BOTH parties have been criminally negligent in their duties to maintain a sealed border.

But, but,… they are here now…and and we should like be nice and neighborly….and and,,,we are gonna make them pay a fine too…

and’s jobs our people don’t wanna do…Uh Nooooo

You mean you can get away without paying them a decent wage and benefits.

Andddd….once they are legal, they will take even more of the jobs that haven’t been already exported overseas and then have legal right to more benefits and government programs. Oh and by the way, this comes just as they worry us daily that the social security system can’t support all the people that are ACTUAL citizens. The boat is too full…Get out!

I can’t wait til every McDonalds and Walmart is chock full of Mexicans!

And,… they broke US law and INVADED the US. Quit being a bunch of puzzies and round them up and deport them. Do your damn job!

Or step down…or be fired!

That’s it. Do it!

If I trot my lil azz over the Canada (which I may have to do if we get Hillary) without the proper paperwork and permissions…Uh they will round me up and throw me the hell out….as they should.

Hopefully everyone is writing, emailing and ringing the phones off the walls in DC.

Please understand that I have nothing against Mexicans, when they are here legally. My passion in this post is due to the complete incompetence of BOTH political parties.

********** I will try to read all replies on this, but I will likely not try to post them as this will generate a LOT of traffic *************