Archive for the ‘Lehman Brothers’ Category

Good Music (Tags Didnt Associate WordPress Please Fix)

November 6, 2008

Ralph Nader… that was wasn’t allowed to deabte…  will be your DJ

Enjoy some pretty good Cuban music.. in honor of the election



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This American Life on NPR… and the Scary Credit Situation

October 6, 2008

With Ira Glass…  Here is a pretty cool podcast about the scary credit situation.



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Hang in There Michael Savage!

October 4, 2008

Borders, Language and Culture.

The only one telling it like it is… in such crazy times.

Check his site at

as well as his daily radio show.



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The New Wall St Bailout… I Mean Ressscue.

October 3, 2008

Now it’s sweetened with pork barrel spending.

Wooden arrows for children?  Race Track?  Rum in Puerto Rico?

And something about investments in American Samoa?

Oh and don’t forget… Buffet invested $5 Billion in what’s left of

Goldman Sachs.   (continued after I show out a scraper)


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I guess the phone calls and emails weren’t plentiful enough Monday?

Here are representatives on the fence.

Credit to Savage website for referencing these links.



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Warren Buffet on Charlie Rose 10/01/08… Hmmm

October 2, 2008

Ok, Secretary of the Treasury Paulson… former CEO at Goldman Sachs…K

Warren Buffet just made a $5 Billion dollar investment in what’s left of Goldman Sachs… hmmm … K

Charlie and Warren yucked it up with Warren’s message seeming to be that Congress better hurry up and pass that bailout (which $700 Billion might be too small) or credit and market confidence was gonna dry right up.

Hmm,  The Dow was up about 500 Tuesday and only down like 19 Wednesday.

The markets seem relatively calm given all that we’ve been through.

I’m still leaning toward… those that made poor investments in various risky financial instruments, and things related to risky mortgage lending practices, should accept their losses with their wins.

And… some investment banks were allowed to accept their losses and collapse…  hmmm

Now then Senate has added inducements to pass the Bailout Bill (I mean rescue…) of Goldman Sachs?



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Presidential Debate 2008 Really?

September 27, 2008

Did I miss the Jim Lehr question about what either of these puppets would do about the

20 million plus invaders to the United States?

Ummm why isn’t Nader at least invited to particapate and able to be heard in said debate?

Buehler… anyone?

Oh, because they want us to keep hearing the same rehearsed government media complex answers…

and get used to the Republican Democrat uni-party of socialism and fascism where we just trudge along and don’t ask questions about CEO’s at Washington Mutual that get millions of dollars after less than a month of work.   What?  Was Savage right about that?

FOX news has it anyway…,2933,428641,00.html



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AIG Bailout

September 17, 2008

Now AIG is in trouble and will be bailed out.

Lehman Brothers allowed to fail into bankruptcy but Bear Stearns was bailed out… AIG , Freedie Mac and Fannie Mae were bailed out…

Ummm when do we hear about how there will be congressional hearings to see who made money on these situations?  Yep, there needs to be some hearings…



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9 15 Lehman Brothers

September 17, 2008

Lehman Brothers allowed to fail into bankruptcy but Bear Stearns was bailed out… AIG , Freedie Mac and Fannie Mae were bailed out…

Ummm when do we hear about how there will be congressional hearings to see who made money on these situations?  Yep, there needs to be some hearings…



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Charlie Rose 9 15 Lehman Brothers

September 17, 2008

Black Monday or 9/15.  Lehman Brothers… one of the five big investment banks was allowed to go into Chapter 11 bankruptcy when just recently Bear Stearns was bailed out as were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac… Hmmm

The ad for careers at Lehman Brothers is still up…  odd

At any rate, the Charlie Rose show led off with Lawrence Summers, former FED secretary and now a professor at Harvard.  He looked kinda like a recent William Shatner and sounded kinda like Bill Gates.  I was bored to tears and was glad this dude wasnt currently in charge of anything.  Charlie looked equally bored.

Charlie also had on the worst blue pin striped suit ever.

The second half was finally the good interviews on what happened.  Nouriel Roubini was very sharp albiet “right to the point” about how bad things are and that it’s about more bad investments that just home mortgages.



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