Archive for the ‘Match Game’ Category

The Daily GizWiz…Dick DeBartolo…(MAD)

August 26, 2007

Just a few words to pay tribs to lifelong humorist and now  gadget xxxx  , No, wait!! it’s the guy that just knows a whole really lot about gadgets that may or may not be electronic) Dick DeBartolo. I’ve been listening to his show (The Daily Giz Wiz with Leo Laporte) for a year or so now and…

Dick is also the lead with MAD magazine whose humor I immediately clicked with many years ago.

Catch their (Dick and Leo) podcast for your mp3 player or ipod at and look along the right side of that page for the link to the current and archive podcasts of the show.

Also, you’ll think…didn’t I see him on ABC World News Now….and you’d be correct… and Regis and all kinda radio shows.

Check out Dick DeBartolo’s main site at

And on a historical note…he was a writer for the legendary Match Game with Gene Rayburn (and I guess Burt Convey and ______ others…hahaha)

Thanks so much Dick for all your good work and for making us stop and laugh along the way!